Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 1

just got back from my last shift at work.

so this is the start of my year off-hopefully filled with awesome/crazy/productive/educational activities.

but first i need to sleep.

the year has just began :)


started the day at the gym-the plan this year is to do as many fun runs before the Penang bridge run in nov.

I'll make a list of the runs I'm planning to do later on during the week.

I've been doing the couch to 5k program for the past 7 weeks and am happy to say I've survived till week 8!!

then it was dinner by the sea at my fav vegetarian restaurant in town.

so the purpose of this blog is to document my year away from a full time medical job.I'll be splitting the time between melb and malaysia but I'm planning to do a few small trips here and there.

the main goal this year is to do things I've always wanted to but haven't because I'm either stuck at work or catching up on sleep.

I'm making a list of things to do and will write about it soon.


  1. hi Aliaa.. look forward to reading about your break! we must catch up la when u come back, i'll be back this 20 feb insyallah.

  2. sounds like it's going to be an awesome year aliaa! i'm inspired too! will be watching this space :)

  3. Caiyuk!!!! This will be my top blog to read too!! yezza...

  4. wowww!! i miss soul mama.. the plc.. the food.. nyummmm.. i wish u all the best of luck with your mission tan sri! i miss youuuu.. hajjah hajjah!
