Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 9

what??!! i haven't written anything for a month! shame on me..


how do those pro bloggers update their blogs daily?

i'm going to commit myself to updating this on a weekly basis :) so just check the blog every week or so.

besides trying to tick everything of my-year-off list,i've also gone back to
working part time. which is good fun cause i only work 2-3 days a week.

here's what i've been up to:

-4km docklands dash
my second of the super sunset series organised by the melbourne sports centre.i achieved my goal of running the whole event without walking so i was very happy at the was a great running event cause docklands is my running playground :)

-run for the kids 5.2 km
ran 37:59 minutes straight and it was my first 5 km ever!!! didn't realise how exhausting it was until i got home,had breakfast and slept for 3 hours after the run. it was a great experience!

-freak melbourne storm
we watched as melbourne got hit by a crazy storm from our apartment.all of a sudden it was dark then the next thing you know,hail came pouring down. the city was in chaos and everyone was wet! it looked like melbourne was covered in snow.

-surfing trips
first lesson for the bro and *RJ and now they love it too.after their first lesson as we were walking back up to the surf school to leave the surfboards,it started to rain and hail!! but only for 10 minutes before the sun came out again and we were back in the water after lunch at bells.

rainbow on the way back to melbourne.this was the day after the melb freak storm. i think it rained the whole day in melb while we were enjoying the sun in torquay.

2nd surfing trip in a fortnight-this is the post surf binge. hello greasy fish and chips.spent the next few days working out at the gym.

-melbourne romp
part amazing race/treasure hunt to help raise money for the Burnet Institute. fun day out with the Makan Group.i could NOT feel my legs after one whole day of walking round melbourne. topped the day with having ABC at the new oldtown kopitiam at QV.

-cats,regent theatre
*B got us awesome front row tickets and the show was excellent!!! the costumes were amazing. i have so much respect for anyone who can do musicals and there's more musicals coming to melb this year.i cannot wait for hairspray in october.

-tropicana juice bar,elizabeth street
two days ago,i tasted their south american delight juice which they claim is the "best juice on earth" and fell in love with the place.the recipe is a secret but it's delicious.i've been back for more since my first drink and i know i'll be a regular. no more boost's energizer juice for me!!

-arabic class
enrolled myself for 8 sessions of arabic lessons at CAE. the first lesson was last night and it went for 2.5 hours.initially it was easy cause i already knew the arabic letters but then it got more complex when we actually started learning basic phrases. it was good fun as i love being a student again!

i'll be working this weekend before the youngest bro comes to visit next week.